Sunday, February 26, 2012

Coconut Oil Deep conditioning

Since I have affectionately coined this weekend my "weekend of nothing" I decided to have a little fun and experiment with my hair.  Friday night I washed my hair and conditioned it with coconut oil and left that on all night.  In the morning, I rinsed it and decided I would try my hand at a roller wrap or doobie wrap.

I can honestly say that my hair was noticeably softer after the coconut oil conditioning; however it was no softer than it was when I use the Design Essentials 6-N-1 conditioner.  Then again, the Design Essentials costs about $40/bottle (granted a very large bottle) and the coconut oil is only about $5-$7 (depending on the brand) for a jar that will last quite awhile as well.  So I guess it's worth it to use the Coconut Oil as my deep conditioner.  I probably won't be purchasing the 6-N-1 anymore after I've used this bottle. 

As I mentioned, I did a roller wrap Saturday afternoon.  I roller set my hair as normal, sat under the dryer for about an hour, let it cool a few minutes while I ate, then brushed it out and around my head as I normally would at night.  I then Saran Wrapped my head and got back under the dryer for about 10 - 15 minutes.  After I got under the dryer I combed it down.   My hair was really soft and the wrap was actually nice; however I just have too much new growth (Thanks Hairfinity!) at this point to be trying to rock a wrap, lol...especially with my hair at the length it is now.  I'll try it again after I get my relaxer on Thursday. 

Since I didn't care to wear the roller wrap this week, I decided I would just set it again the next day (today) and wear it for the week until I get the relaxer.  That works out best anyway since it will require the least amount of effort to style. While I am really enjoying the roller sets, it will be nice to get my hair relaxed and see it straight and "swingy" again.  Looking forward to Thursday...

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