Monday, March 12, 2012

Roller set/Roller wrap with water!

Eureka!  I've finally figured out what I was doing wrong with my roller sets.  As I mentioned before, each time I roller set my hair it was very pretty but I didn't have the bouncy hair that everyone claimed to get from their sets. What was I doing wrong?

Well I stumbled across a blog, (which by the way was quite informative) and the owner of the blog happened to mention that she only used water and a bit of serum when roller setting her hair.  Why didn't I think of that???  Because my hair is so fine, putting any kind of product on it weighs it down...then you add a moisture sealing roller set to it and of course you're going to get heavy hair, right?  Right!

Sooo, I did another set tonight and my hair turned out amazing.  It has incredible body and bounce and it was surprisingly really soft...even though I only used water.  I still rubbed a little bit of coconut oil on it and sealed that in with a moisturizing oil but I am loving this roller set. Whoo hoo!

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